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Integrate CompanyCam + Zapier

Use Zapier to connect CompanyCam to thousands of other tools!

Updated over a month ago

Before you start

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an automation platform that connects CompanyCam to over 4,000 other Apps. There's a good chance that Zapier already connects software that's part of your existing business workflows.

How it works

Creating a Zap with a CompanyCam Trigger

  1. Get started at by logging in or creating a new account.

  2. Once in your Zapier Home select the + Create button and select Zaps.

  3. Name your Zap for easy management.

  4. Search for CompanyCam and select CompanyCam.

  5. Select your Trigger event from the list (Triggers occur when Zapier receives data from CompanyCam) and click Continue.

  6. Click Sign in to CompanyCam. You'll be prompted to sign in to CompanyCam and Authorize Zapier to have access to your CompanyCam account.

    1. If you are signed in to your CompanyCam account, you'll automatically be signed in to connect your account to Zapier.

    2. If you have already connected your CompanyCam account in a different Zap, then you'll simply need to select the account that you'd like to use for this Zap.

  7. Click the Test Trigger Button and then Continue. If the test is successful you will see data from a recent trigger event. This will inform you what data you have to work within the following Action Steps.

  8. Zapier will then prompt you to Choose an Action App.

    1. There are thousands of choices. Start typing in the search field to choose an app. Examples: Pipedrive, Hubspot, Zoho, Google Sheets, and Google Drive. Use the search function in the Action step to search for Apps that you want to automate.

    2. Depending on the Action that you've selected, the steps that follow will depend on how that app is connected with Zapier. Click on the data fields and then choose the CompanyCam Trigger and any data that you use in that Action step. You'll see an example of how this works in the example below.

Creating a Zap with a CompanyCam Action

  1. Select and set up the Trigger.

  2. Select the Action Tab.

  3. Search for CompanyCam.

  4. Choose the action event then Continue.

  5. Click Sign in to CompanyCam. You'll be prompted to sign in to CompanyCam and Authorize Zapier to have access to your CompanyCam account.

    1. If you are signed in to your CompanyCam account, you'll automatically be signed in to connect your account to Zapier.

    2. If you have already connected your CompanyCam account in a different Zap, then you'll simply need to select the account that you'd like to use for this Zap.

  6. Then set up the Action by filling in the fields with data from the Trigger.

  7. When you've selected or entered in Data for what you'd like to pass along, choose Continue.

  8. Then select the Test step button if you are satisfied with what the output looks like.

  9. If the test is successful, select Publish.

  10. Once the Zap is turned on, test to see if adding data from the trigger Adds new data to CompanyCam as expected.

That's it! Feel free to create more zaps for workflows you would like to automate.


Zapier's workflow is quick and intuitive. Use data from a trigger to accomplish automated tasks in your workflow to save time and make fewer mistakes in data entry. Once you've connected your CompanyCam account for a Trigger or an Action, you will be able to use that account for more Zaps without signing in to CompanyCam. In Zapier a workflow automation is called a "Zap". Zaps are built with one Trigger which starts the automation and then you add one or multiple Actions as tasks to be accomplished.

Learn more about CompanyCam integrations powered by Zapier.

​If you need support integrating or have any issues with the integration, reach out to [email protected] or reach out to our live chat! You can also contact Zapier support for any other workflow or setup questions as you build your Zap.

Want to make workflows even easier? Now that you've got your Zaps up and running, check out other integration opportunities!

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