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Integrate CompanyCam + NiceJob

Integrate CompanyCam and NiceJob to level up your team's marketing efforts!

Updated over a month ago

Before you Start

What is NiceJob?

NiceJob is the all-in-one reputation marketing software for busy and budget-conscious business owners. It puts review generation, referrals, and social media content on autopilot. Use it alongside CompanyCam to show your customers the great work you did and get more reviews!

How it works

CompanyCam + NiceJob Demo:

Automatically send review invites with photos

Connect CompanyCam with your CRM to automate the process of sending review invites with photos! CompanyCam connects with the following NiceJob app integrations: Jobber, Housecall Pro, HubSpot, JobTread, QuickBooks, ServiceMinder, Markate. It can also connect with any app that is available through Zapier.

  1. Connect NiceJob to your CRM on the Apps page:

  2. Connect your CRM to CompanyCam through CompanyCam’s Integrations page : Check the 'Sync Primary Contacts to CompanyCam' box before connecting. This will be unchecked by default)


  1. Connect NiceJob to your CRM through Zapier (see help article here)

  2. Connect your CRM to CompanyCam through Zapier

Once your CRM is connected to both NiceJob and CompanyCam you can start triggering automatic review invites with photos!

For example:

  1. You create an entry in your CRM for a new customer. A new project in CompanyCam will be made for that customer if one hasn't been already created.

  2. Upload photos to the project in CompanyCam.

  3. Tag your best photo of the work you have done for your customer in CompanyCam with 'NJReview'. All tagged photos will be imported to the NiceJob Stories page:

  4. Complete the job/proposal/invoice in your CRM.

  5. NiceJob automatically enters your customer into the Get Reviews campaign with the most recently tagged photo from that customer's CompanyCam Project! 🎊

Send review invites to customers manually

No connected CRM? You can still use CompanyCam to easily import your best photos to the NiceJob Stories page and trigger review invites from there!

  1. Create a new project in CompanyCam

  2. Upload photos to the project

  3. Tag your best photo of the work you have done for your customer in CompanyCam with 'NJReview'. All tagged photos as well as the customer's contact information will be imported to the NiceJob Stories page:

  4. Click ‘Get a review’ under the story. If your customer's contact information was saved in the CompanyCam project then the invite will go out in one click to that customer 🚀 If not, you just need to add your customer's contact information to enrol them into the Get Reviews campaign with the most recently tagged photo from your CompanyCam Project 😊

** Remember to update your customer contact details in CompanyCam for each project so that we receive the correct customer information for each photo **

Share your reviews with photos to your website and social media feeds

Once you receive a new review from a customer invited through the CompanyCam integration, it will be linked to their imported photos in your Stories page. If you have our Stories widget installed on your website (see installation instructions here), your reviews and photos will be automatically published together straight to your website! This helps drive your website conversion rate from new visitors. 📈

Your reviews and photos can also be shared together to your social media sites! You can either choose for this to be done automatically or through manual selection (see how here). This will enhance your social media posts to boost engagement!

Data NiceJob will send or receive

  • People (customer name, email and phone number)

  • Photos


  1. Go to the Apps page in NiceJob's Product Settings:

  2. Click "Connect" on the CompanyCam App listing

  3. Log in to your CompanyCam account when prompted
    (Note: The integration only works when the initial connection is done through an account with Manager or Admin access)

  4. You are connected!

If you need support integrating or have any issues with the integration reach out to [email protected] or go to

Want to make workflows even easier? Now that you've got your CRM up and running, check out other integration opportunities!

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