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Upload Existing Photos

Have photos on your computer or mobile device you'd like to add to a Project? Here's how:

Updated this week

Before you start

  • If you are unable to access your device's gallery, please double-check the App Settings to make sure Access to your Gallery has been enabled. If not, tap on your user profile in the lower right corner, then tap on the gear icon in the upper right corner, choose Open Device Settings, and set access to All Photos in the Photos section.

  • When you add new photos, the app will pull the date-created information from the photos and organize them by this date. The photo you're uploading may be in an earlier part of the Project feed, depending on when it was taken.

  • User experience may vary if you are included in a Closed Beta for this feature. Please reach out to our Support Team if your in-app experience doesn't match the one pictured here.

On the web

  1. Login to CompanyCam, open a Project or create a new Project, and click + Upload Photos.

    *Every photo is attached to a Project in CompanyCam.

  2. Drag & drop or browse for the photos you'd like to add to CompanyCam. Select the photos and then click on Open to begin uploading the photos.

In the app

  1. Tap on an existing Project or Create a New Project, then tap the + Circle Icon at the bottom of your screen.

  2. Tap Upload Photos.

  3. Select whether you would like the Magic Uploader to retrieve photos from the Project's address for the Last 30 days or the Last 12 months. Alternatively, you can also Select Photos Manually.

  4. Tap Upload Photos to finish uploading into the Project.

Photos are still not uploading. Check out our troubleshooting guide for photo uploads in the app!

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