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API and Custom Integrations

CompanyCam's open API and documentation make it easy to create custom integrations!

Updated over 2 months ago

Before you start

Open API Overview

If you're looking for a place to build a custom integration for your users or publish an integration to the public for all CompanyCam customers to see, you found the right place! CompanyCam makes it easy for developers to get up and running and start building amazing things.

Like our contractors, we value our developers' time, so we've provided you with a ton of resources to make it dead simple to start developing with CompanyCam. Check out our Getting Started page to begin today.

If you're looking to partner with CompanyCam and launch a public integration with all CompanyCam customers, please check out our guide to Partnering with CompanyCam.

Developer Accounts

You need a CompanyCam account in order to begin developing with CompanyCam.

If you already have a CompanyCam account, creating a developer account is optional. If you need a developer account, you can create one by signing up here.

Core API

Our primary API is where you can get under the hood and work with the core CompanyCam data. It allows you to read, create, update, and delete most CompanyCam entities like Projects and Photos. We designed it as a REST-based API for easy integration into any solution.

Here are a few examples of how it's used:

  • Creating projects from your CRM

  • Syncing photos to your job management software

  • Subscribing to a webhook when a photo is tagged

Important Features

    • The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both an access token and a refresh token and is optimized for confidential clients. Since this is a redirection-based flow, the client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner's user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable of receiving incoming requests (via redirection) from the authorization server.

    • You can use webhooks to subscribe to certain events when they occur. Webhooks provide a way to respond to real-time events as they happen without having to constantly poll the API. When an event occurs that matches your webhook scope, a POST HTTP request will be sent to your webhook URL.

Want to make workflows even easier? Now that you've got your CRM up and running, check out other integration opportunities!

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